Satsang is both an opportunity for spiritual seekers to sit in presence of a wise master and also that of sangha, a community of people practicing right living, or dharma, that brings and maintains awareness. In sacred space, find out how to tap into your unique dharma to discover your soul’s purpose.
Join Sadhviji, international humanitarian, author, and renunciant monk, for a spiritual question and answer session known as satsang. Draw upon Western knowledge and logic, Eastern philosophy and wisdom, and seasoned spiritual leadership.
Ask questions about topics that puzzle your mind or weigh on your heart. Hear a spiritual perspective grounded in wisdom, experience, and connection to consciousness.
When you receive an answer to your inquiry, its truth sinks in and comforts you. Prepare to feel the peace that comes from being in a dharmic community that is spiritually guided by the wisdom and grace of Divine presence.
This course is available on Zoom. You will be emailed a Zoom link closer to the time of the class. The course will be recorded and you will receive a link to watch it.
Course 242105 | Zoom
Date Saturday, June 1
Time 10:00 - 11:30 AM CT
Cost $35/30 payment 10 days in advance