Develop an awareness of female-centered symbols and missing matriarchal history depicted by using a deck of Motherpeace tarot cards. Gain meaningful personal connections from its imagery and symbolism. Motherpeace tarot cards, like traditional ones, function as a powerful oracle to use individually or in groups.
After a short introduction about Motherpeace images, delve into finding out how to read the cards for divination, ritual, and self-healing.
Have fun with Motherpeace tarot cards as a form of sacred play in everyday life. Practice reading the cards for others during class and later for friends, family, or even clients.
Develop skills in interpreting symbols and identifying essential factors pertaining to the structure of the tarot. Find out how to do short spreads for daily use to tell about the past, present, and future. Practice a four-card spread to ask holistically about the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. Discover how to do a simple relationship reading, as well as a special form for asking yes-no questions. Also, practice a full 11-card layout with a focus on the meaning of each position and image for a full cogent narrative of the whole.
Access different levels of reality by bringing to the surface intuition, feeling, sensation, and knowing previously hidden from view. Acquire amazing perception, clarification, integration, and transformation. Develop the critical skills needed to think like a healer, counselor, or seer by applying the Motherpeace tarot as a divination and spiritual practice.
Please purchase a deck of the Motherpeace tarot cards to use during class. You may buy them on Amazon.
Course 223157
Recording Dates Tuesday, January 17, 24, 31, February 7, 2023
Approximate Time: two hours per class
Cost $75, No refunds