In each of us dwells a powerful creative energy that typically lies dormant at the base of the spine. Kundalini yoga is a practice for awakening this energy - the kundalini energy.
As it is ignited, it strengthens the nervous system, stimulates the glandular system and balances the chakras.
In the process of ongoing practice, you have the potential to work through longstanding blocks. You can start to attract people, opportunities, and situations into your life that help you grow.
Discover how to recognize, develop, and expand your personal truth through vibrational awareness. See how compassion applies to truth and your Higher Self. Create an ongoing relationship with your satnam or true name.
Bring more joy, flow, and peace into your life. This is living in your fullest creative potential!
Open to students and practitioners of all levels. Please wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing and bring a yoga mat.
Course 251110 | Live | 6 CEUs available
Date April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, May 7
Day Wednesdays
Time 6:45 - 7:45 PM CST
Cost $120/115 payment 10 days in advance