Joel Bruce Wallach

offers soul healing energy work consultations that have helped clients discover customized step-by-step techniques for integrated transformation. He invented the Powerforms Subtle Energy Tools. He has a private practice.

Ancient DNA Reprogramming

With Joel Bruce Wallach
Your DNA patterns are ancient and go way beyond the patterns you associate with your family tree.

Aura Pulse Balancing

With Joel Bruce Wallach
Experience new ways to use your healing energy hands to transform and integrate your multidimensional energy bodies.

Cleanse & Clear Controlling Energies

With Joel Bruce Wallach
Objective empowerment requires seeing both positive and negative inputs.

Divine Unity Using the Universal Grid

With Joel Bruce Wallach
Mystical reality encompasses everything: you, humanity, the universe, and all dimensions from the mundane to the highest Divine vibrations.

Healing Group Trauma

With Joel Bruce Wallach
Widespread events experienced by society can create collective traumas you carry individually and as part of that society.

Inner Critic Healing

With Joel Bruce Wallach
Your inner critic is the analytical voice inside that tells you what you consider is wrong.