Chakracademy 101 takes yoga to another level by focusing on your chakras and what they mean for you as you practice asanas. Chakras are the energetic wheels that drive the vehicle of your body. They inform how you think, behave, and navigate your world.
Understanding your chakras is the first rung on the mind, body, spiritual ladder and can be viewed as your human instruction manual.
When you understand yourself, you are better equipped to relate to others.
Blend easy-to-follow information about each chakra along with integrating layers of techniques into your body. Apply methods such as yoga, breath work, sound, mudras, affirmations, and guided meditation to gain a holistic, whole body education of the ancient chakra system.
A basic knowledge of yoga is helpful but not required. Be prepared to sit, stand, and link movements with breath. Wear loose-fitting clothing and bring a yoga mat.
Live | 10.5 CEUs Available
Day Wednesdays Time 1:00 - 2:30 PM CT
Course 243102 Oct. 2, 9, 16, 30, Nov 6, 13, 20
Cost $150/140 payment 10 days in advance