Bridging Ego to the Enneagram Essence

Build a bridge of connection between your ego and your essence or true Self.
Course Number 251143
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Build a bridge of connection between your ego and your essence or true Self. Explore the formation of egoistic defenses and protection patterns that form early in life and continue into adulthood. Your reaction patterns and dominant emotions become your filters and worldview. They subconsciously determine your day-to-day experience.

When you believe the patterns that form your personality are your true Self, they can become obstacles to living from your heart. As such, they can keep you from realizing your full potential.

Join Baker as she guides you to understand egoistic patterns to experience more of your essential Self.

Explore the patterns and higher qualities of each Enneagram type. Experience meditations and somatic practices that foster relaxation within each of the types as you connect with the essence quality of each Enneagram center: body—grounded presence, heart—compassion and allowing and mind—the inner observer.

Prerequisite: Have a basic understanding of the system and your Enneagram type. Upon registration, you will be emailed Baker’s recorded introductory session to prepare for the course.

Course 251143 | Live
Date Sunday, May 4
Time 2:00 - 4:00 PM CT
Cost $50/40 payment 10 days in advance