Arts & Ceremonies

Full Moon Women’s Circle

With Maureen Zwierzynski
Moon circles are a nurturing space where you can enjoy being in sacred sisterhood and express yourself authentically.

Gong Wash Sound Healing

With Simon "Jay" Cervania
Sacred sounds of singing bowls, flute, bells, drums, handpan, and gongs transport you on a journey through sound and frequency.

Intro to Henna: Artistry in Action

With Lakshmi Kamath
Henna is a traditional art medium that originated over 5000 years ago in some parts of Africa, Middle East, and Asia.

Introduction to Sexual Meditation

With Elsbeth Meuth, EdD, and Freddy Weaver
Your sexual energy is a factor that affects your creativity, relationships, and even peace with yourself.

Kirtan Meditation and Mantra

With Ellen Katz
Absorb the ancient vibrations of sacred mantras and connect in satsang-- to sit together in truth-- with sound, breath, and meaning.

Lion’s Gate Crystal Bowl and Vocal Healing

With Marian McNair
Science continues to uncover the ways sound brings changes to you through vibrational frequency.

Shamanic Autumn Equinox Ceremony

With Joan Levergood
The autumnal equinox is a time of renewal on the sacred wheel of the year.

Spiritual Journaling with Art

With Florence Collado
Bring your creativity, excitement, and innovation to your spiritual path.

Spring Ceremonial Journey

With Mara Branscombe
Join Mara Branscombe in a ceremonial journey that explores mind-body practices and tools for personal transformation, while strengthening a sense of purpose and connection to yourself and others.